Meet the 8 finalists of the 2020 MINDS International News Agency Challenge
This challenge was all about automation of workflows and content production. News agencies are looking for ways to streamline their processes and tools to optimize the use of scarce resources such as journalists. This should lead to improvement of the quality of their services, better journalism and new sources of revenue. The 8 finalists were selected from 78 applications from all over the world.
Automated text to speech
BotTalk (Germany) is a text-to-speech software platform that allows you to convert any web content into the most humanlike sounding audio. Automatically. Within seconds. Sounds too good to be true?
AI powered fact checking
Buster.AI (France) helps news organizations to combat misinformation. They help understand what the content is made of – through content auditing and analytics – and provide all the actionable recommendations to improve content production and business strategies.
Automated data visuals
Datamatic (Czech Republic) wants to make publishing of data visualizations as automated as possible. Datamatic offers the next generation data visualization that are adaptive and always up to date.
NLP text analytics
Geneea (Czech Republic) is an AI startup based in Prague. Geneea develops advanced solutions for media companies and analysis of news in general. Their NLP API can also be used to analyze customer feedback, support tickets, and other texts.
News gathering engine
Krzana (UK) is the newsgathering engine for digital-first journalists. It provides the tools to surface pre-news and uncover the narrative behind events, before they become news. Krzana's deep linguistic analysis supports fast, trustworthy journalism.
AI empowered content
LabSense (France) develops multilingual AI solutions to ease communication, content mining and production. We serve businesses and organizations in multiple industries: media, brands, digital agencies, e-commerce and content publishers.
Personal AI assistant
Loomi (UK) is a virtual personal assistant that lets you be the boss. It's all about making you more effective than ever by simplifyng the noisy and crowded digital experience. It's about going from information overload to having one assistant that knows you and works just for you.
Actionable data insights
smartocto (The Netherlands) sees storytelling and data differently: it not only measures story impact in real-time or in great reports but it is able to predict where effort should be and gives the recipe to do it. In this way it takes communication between news agencies and their customers to a new level.
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