The future for media companies and brands is data driven content management. That's the conviction of , CEO of Prepr. "It's all about making more impact with your content. The biggest challenge is building an audience around your brand with relevant content. With the tools in Prepr you can do that."
Prepr, a Dutch company from Utrecht, describes itself as a 'the data driven headless CMS'. In a headless CMS there is a separation between the content management layer and the presentation layer, such as website or app. "With our CMS you can bring content and data all in one place and publish on the channels. That gives you as publisher or brand a lot of flexibility", says Jouko
Interaction data
The other pillar of Prepr is the data driven part. Prepr uses that captures all in the interaction data. Jouko: "So you know what content has what interaction with which person. We can connect these data with an individual profile. The combination of content, interaction data and profile allows our customers to create more impact. For instance with personalized notifications and recommendations".

One of the big trends Jouko sees in content distribution is personalization. "This is becoming a big thing. How can you as publisher provide a personalized experience on different touchpoints? Personalization, especially in online channels, is going to be key. If you don't provide a better, personalized experience you will lose the competition from others that will. But personalization is not a goal in itself, it's about creating better services for your customers."
Graph database
Prepr is one of the few smaller companies that uses a Graph database. Why hasn't this technology become mainstream? Jouko: "Microsoft and Amazon have joined the Graph database market. So it is a mature market. 70% of the Fortune 500 companies use Graph. But it's not very sexy. Most of our competitors don't use Graph but have relational databases. That means that they have to integrate with other platforms for recommendations for instance."
The interview with Prepr in the MediaMatters radioshow was already the third in the series Holland Finest. This is an initiative of MediaMatters to provide a platform for the best Dutch companies in media tech and content production.
Listen to the complete interview with Jouko Huismans of Prepr below.