We are proud to announce that the biggest news publisher of the Netherlands, Persgroep Netherlands, had decided to join MediaMatters. Ilse Luyk, manager strategy and business of the Persgroep, will be present during our MatchMaking Day and will coordinate possible next steps.
De Persgroep's news brands achieve 9,3 million contacts daily
De Persgroep aims to be the leading and largest news publisher in the Netherlands with 4 national, 9 regional and over 200 door-to-door newspapers. De Persgroep has a daily reach of over 9,3 million multimedia contacts. Persgroep has also in its portfolio strong online brands like intermediair.nl, tweakers.nl, carsom.nl, nationalevacaturebank.nl, autotrack.nl, sportnieuws.nl and the leading radio station Qmusic.
So far 6 media companies have joined the MediaMatters program: the public broadcasters NPO, AVROTROS and EO, Persgroep Netherlands, the newspaper Nederlands Dagblad and the weekly De Groene Amsterdammer. Before the start of the program the end of May we hope to add more media companies.