MediaMatters, the Dutch innovation accelerator in media, is calling on innovative startups and scale-ups to apply for the first round of the 2017 program. MediaMatters is looking for international oriented startups and scale-ups that can provide added value for media companies and are active in the areas of content, advertising and technology.
The aim of MediaMatters is to accelerate the innovation process within media companies by connecting them to innovative startups and scale-ups. MediaMatters is not a standard growth program for startups. The program offers them access to key players in the Dutch media industry and the opportunity to develop new business concepts with the participating media companies as launching partner. Intensive coaching and training are also included in the program.
Untill now six companies are participating in the 2017 program: the public broadcasters NPO, AVROTROS and EO, the newspapers NRC Handelsblad and Nederlands Dagblad and the weekly De Groene Amsterdammer. The challenges they face differ, but all have in common that they are looking for new ways to better engage with existing audiences and finding new and younger audiences.
Innovative startups and scale-ups that offer solutions that can help media companies cope with these challenges, are invited to apply for the MediaMatters program. If you are enthusiastic about working together with media companies on the ‘next big thing in media’ please contact MediaMatters. Application closes April 30.
Apply here at F6S.